Business Retention:
State and Local Support for your NC Business

Date & Time:
Thursday, September 6th, 2018
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
An in-depth look at an economic development strategy to support, advocate and retain manufacturing in a community. The discussion will revolve around resources (incentives, grants, training) and programs implemented (wage surveys, roundtables) to make industry more competitive, locally and globally.
Refreshments and Snacks will be provided.
Free for JASNC Members
$20 for Non-Members
Roedl & Partner
121 W. Trade Street, 10th Floor
Charlotte, NC
Seating is limited. Please Register Early.
Presenter: Gretchen Carson, Exiting Industry Manager, Office of Economic Development Mecklenburg County

Conference Sponsor:

Presenting Sponsor: