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JASNC actively seeks to support and collaborate with other organizations, clubs and groups in North Carolina that promote or are interested in Japan or Japanese culture, art, educational opportunities, people or business, or that share our mission of promoting goodwill, understanding and exchange between Japan and North Carolina.

As a service to our community, this page will include profiles and information about such other organizations, clubs and groups; with contact information and links to their websites.  
Our NC-Japan Calendar will also list upcoming events by many of these other groups.  If you wish to discuss possible support from or collaboration with JASNC on particular projects or events, please email us using the Contact button below.

The NC Japan Center serves as a focal point for interaction between Japan and North Carolina, and is a statewide resource intended to assist all citizens, universities, companies, and public and private institutions in relations with Japan.

Founded in July 1980 under Governor Jim Hunt, the NC Japan Center continues to strengthen the state’s academic, business, and cultural ties with Japan. Its Academic Advisory Board consists of faculty from colleges across the University, providing guidance and direction for academic exchange and development. An external Board of Advisors includes prominent citizens of North Carolina who have a strong interest in Japan and US-Japan relations.

The Nippon Club of the Triangle is one of the oldest and largest Japan-interest organizations in North Carolina. Founded in 1990, the Nippon Club is an all-volunteer non-profit organization committed to providing Japanese cultural programs and activities in the Triangle. Its major goal is to foster deeper cultural understandings between Japanese and Americans in NC by hosting and participating in a variety of events each year. Their biggest event is the NC Japan Summer Festival, which is held annually at the NC State Fairgrounds and attracts over 6000 attendees. Affiliated culture clubs include Triangle Taiko, Triangle Chanoyu, Mochitsuki Club, Bon Odori Club, Kendo Dōshi Club and the Triangle Choir Club.

The Japan-America Association of South Carolina (JAASC) is a statewide, nonprofit, federally tax exempt corporation dedicated to fostering and promoting positive relationships among the peoples of the United States and Japan.

JASNC and JAASC has a mutually exclusive agreement that members of both organization will be accepted as its own members on various events. 

Ikebana International in Ashville:

We serve individuals and groups in Western North Carolina through the study of the Japanese art of flower design and culture by providing and participating in educational programs, exhibitions, and events.​​  

Ikebana International in Ashville

Blue Ridge Chapter, Ikenobo Ikebana Society:

 Learn about Japan and the beautiful art of Ikebana by studying Ikenobo with our sensei, attending workshops with visiting professors, and through monthly meetings. Welcome visitors! For information please see our website at

Platinum level corporate members

Gold level
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